June 24, 2009 - G-Coins Offer Update

24-06-2009 21:01
Unfortunately, the economy climate doesn't make it easier for many of us including advertisers we worked with who are now closing their businesses, therefore we have to switch the G-Coins offer.

It has now been switched to FreeLotto.com which allows you to play Lotto for FREE and win big cash prizes! :-)

If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.


Get-Paid.com Admin
24-06-2009 21:33
Thanks for the update!

As you said, the economy climate takes part of our life at the moment!
25-06-2009 03:49
Too bad. Thanks for the information.
25-06-2009 07:20
thanks for the info...
25-06-2009 08:34
wat does tht mean??

FreeLotto is only for USA n cn na??

is it available for Indians??
Total Posts: 5