best ptc sites ever

24-02-2009 13:54
register at these sites and start clicking...:)
happy clicking...peace ;)
25-02-2009 07:06
no advertising...
its against the rules.
25-02-2009 07:33
Weee gotta love spammers ... pity I'm not a mod ... this forum would be fun to moderate.
26-02-2009 09:21
i wonder where expire and alex are...
26-02-2009 16:29
He is just helping us.
26-02-2009 18:06
He's helping hisself, he could have atleast stated that he used links with him as refferal.
27-02-2009 09:55
MOD EDIT the post remove the refs.
27-02-2009 21:57
uummmm. why do people spam so much.. they will just get their account banned :-P
02-03-2009 10:19
It's ok. I am also a fan of paid to click site. I recommend neobux but not Neobux instantly pay their consumers.

take a pic
07-03-2009 18:29
I have an account in each one of them, haha
Total Posts: 12