Got Paid! (even though its a small amount)

03-12-2008 02:45
Yes! I just got paid $0.20 despite it being a small amount. I'm very satisfied with GPTreasure and only hope there are ways of getting more international offers or offers for my country.

Thanks a lot admins.
03-12-2008 05:38
Opps forgot to mention, this is my first payment as well! :-D :-D
03-12-2008 14:15
04-12-2008 00:34
A job well done on the first payment! Keep up the great work.
06-12-2008 01:21
Awesome!!!! even though its quite lil small though but at least they were honest they were paying what they need to pay and as promised unlike other sites who promise you this big and get nothing..... i had a great smile that i got my 1st payout and did not expect to be paid because it was just a cents but they did!!!!thanks people behind GP treasure and there ideas of giving people chances to make money....
06-12-2008 15:41
Congrats i hope you earn more :goodjob:
08-12-2008 08:08
nice cant wait for my small payment
06-12-2014 09:57
well done!!!!!!
06-12-2014 10:37
Always looking for new friends !!! Ask me friendship accept all requests !!
07-06-2016 08:28
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