Another matomy problem

21-12-2015 05:01
I completed matomy shopping,but i didn't receive coins.Why? The coin i will receive is 557 coins.I see another offers will approve me for only 1-5 seconds.
Before doing this offer.

After doing this offer.
21-12-2015 11:17
Another proof
21-12-2015 12:57
Delete cookies and cache
Be yourself
21-12-2015 13:08
Delete and what will happen?
I will miss spin today,can't reach 300 coins.
22-12-2015 06:31
Admin,can you explain why i don't get the coins?
22-12-2015 12:14
PaddyVuAdmin,can you explain why i don't get the coins?

There could be several reasons:

(1) You completed the offer before or elsewhere (via another GPT site) it won't get approved.
(2) Your browser did not enable cookies.
(3) The issue is with Matomy's system.

We generally advise users to contact Matomy directly using the link on their wall but we would give you the benefit of the doubt and credit your account with a bonus of 600 coins which is now available in your account.
This thread will be locked now, thanks.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
Topic Locked

Total Posts: 6