How did you earn XPs?

22-10-2015 13:14
Earning xp's
Love, laugh, live...
22-10-2015 21:29
Posting for xps.
03-11-2015 17:24
Hello everyone
05-11-2015 15:27
Hello everyone :)
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.


  • -Username: ChatDexter

Get-Paid Moderator
11-11-2015 11:33
Each daily login attracts 30XP
I am determined
14-11-2015 12:34
Posting for xps.
19-11-2015 16:25
Hmm, so posting in forum takes 10xp
Daily survey 200XP;
you can post maximum every 30 seconded
30 *200 /10 =600 seconds
so if you do a survey under 10 minutes you earn more from a survey (xp wise) than posting.
But you also get shinny coins.

But you can only do one survey a day; while you can post like there is no tomorrow.
21-11-2015 12:18
Need 500 more xps to lvl up.
21-11-2015 12:20
Posting for xps.
22-11-2015 02:25
Thanks for all of your tips
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Total Posts: 502