Incorrect Search Engine?

23-12-2015 21:49
Hi, under Pay Per Click - Search, I keep getting "Error, Incorrect Search Engine..." when I am using the correct search engine. It's for the search words, availablebankcom
24-12-2015 08:39
The problem searches are gone. Now I'm getting ERROR This advertisement was not reserved for you. Then why is it posted on my wall? I think I'll just walk away from that mess.
24-12-2015 13:12
KG2015The problem searches are gone. Now I'm getting ERROR This advertisement was not reserved for you. Then why is it posted on my wall? I think I'll just walk away from that mess.

Well,just skip it,search offer is error now,it happens to me right now :)
Try it later
25-12-2015 09:10
KG2015I think I'll just walk away from that mess.

Yes, we had a few complaints already about it, we directed them to the company but no resolution as of yet - we suggest you skip on it if it's not working for you.
Merry Christmas.
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Regards, Admin
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