Expiring Offers:

Argentina - Timbai.com
Canada - OpinionOutpost-CA (Temporarily Paused; probably until the start of next month)
International - RipThatMusic.com
Italy - BlinkoGold.it
Italy - uSamp-IT
Spain - uSamp-ES
US - CreditMatcher.com
US - GoodGuyBadGuy.net
US - OpinionOutpost.com (Temporarily Paused; probably until the start of next month)
US - PointClickFun-WindowsPhone7
US - SurveyQlik.com
US - TerryAndTeam
US - TicketSweeps.com
US - WinMooLah.com
US - Winster.com
US - WorldRewardsNow.com

New Offers:

Australia - iPhone4AU
Brazil - KingolottoBR
Canada - iTouchCA
Canada - MicrosoftOfficeAlternative
Canada - QuizJungle-CharlieSheenQuote-CA
Canada - QuizJungle-SushiRoll-CA
Canada - XvidMoviesAndMore
Denmark (Points) - Evony-INTL
France - FaceMoodz-FR
France - FreeTVRadio-FR
France - LetsTunes-FR
France - ToneMaker-FR
France - WideStream6-FR
Iraq (Points) - Evony-INTL
Ireland (Points) - Evony-INTL
Japan (Points) - Evony-INTL
Netherlands (Points) - Evony-INTL
NewZealand (Points) - Evony-INTL
Norway (Points) - Evony-INTL
Portugal - GanhaPortugal
South Africa (Points) - Evony-INTL
UK - MicrosoftOfficeAlternative
UK - TolunaUK (Offer Returned)
UK - WilliamHillToolbar
UK - XvidMoviesAndMore
UK - ZatZat.co.uk
US - AbsoluteRewards.info
US - AVG.com
US - CashKeyAdvance.com (Offer Returned)
US - FatHead.com
US - FavoriteArtistRingtones.com
US - MicrosoftOfficeAlternative
US - MobilePhoneSurvey.net
US - QuizJungle-CharlieSheenQuote
US - QuizJungle-SushiRoll
US - QuizMinute.com (Offer Returned)
US - TheFreeIQTest.org
US - XvidMoviesAndMore


US - 60SecondInsurance.com is now a Points offer.
US (Points) - GeneralMills is now a Regular offer.
US (Points) - Stamps.com is now a Regular offer.
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