Expiring Offers:
Canada - InternetTurbo-CA
Netherlands, UK - PrizeParty
Sweden - OpinionWorld-SE
UK - MyDrinkaware.co.uk
UK - PublishersClearingHouse.com
US - Bellaplex
US - CocaColaOrnaments
US - CollegeShotGlass
US - MegaJackpot4Life.com
US - PampersGiftToGrow
US - ProtectMyScore.com
US - SmartPhoneMate
New Offers:
Australia, Canada, UK, US - MegaCloud-HighPayout
Canada, US - NLOP.com
Denmark - AsahiBeerRobot-DK [Mobile]
Denmark - Disneyland-DK [Mobile]
Denmark - iPadTube-DK [Mobile]
Denmark - GalaxyNote-DK [Mobile]
France - CellfishWallsonneries-FR [Mobile]
France - DoodleDeluxe-FR [Mobile]
France - GogogyStream-FR [Mobile]
Italy - PaddyPower-IT (Offer Returned)
Norway - JukebuxJustinBieber-NO [CC]
Norway - PlayNeto-NONO [Mobile]
PathUS - FreeAppetizer-OliveGarden
PathUS - FreeAppetizer-Outback
PathUS - FreeAppetizer-RedLobster
Poland - EyeQTest-PL [Mobile]
Russia - BugZapper-RU [Mobile]
UK - AmazonVoucher-UK [Mobile]
UK - CheapFlights.co.uk (Offer Returned, Higher Payout!)
US - 2YourFace.com
US - AllStateMotorClub.com [CC]
US - BigBuckSurveys.com (Offer Returned, Easier Requirements!)
US - GrabMachineGame
US - PampersGiftToGrow
US - TheConsumerBeat.com
US - Ultismo
US - VindaleResearch
UK - ActiveYou.co.uk - PRice INCREASED from $0.20 to $0.35
US - ArthritisConnect - Price INCREASED from 30 Points to 50 Points
US - GetFunGame.com - Price INCREASED from $0.20 to $0.40
US - ProfinityCredit - Price INCREASED from $3.00 to $5.00
US - Upromise.com - Price INCREASED from $0.75 to $1.25
Canada - InternetTurbo-CA
Netherlands, UK - PrizeParty
Sweden - OpinionWorld-SE
UK - MyDrinkaware.co.uk
UK - PublishersClearingHouse.com
US - Bellaplex
US - CocaColaOrnaments
US - CollegeShotGlass
US - MegaJackpot4Life.com
US - PampersGiftToGrow
US - ProtectMyScore.com
US - SmartPhoneMate
New Offers:
Australia, Canada, UK, US - MegaCloud-HighPayout
Canada, US - NLOP.com
Denmark - AsahiBeerRobot-DK [Mobile]
Denmark - Disneyland-DK [Mobile]
Denmark - iPadTube-DK [Mobile]
Denmark - GalaxyNote-DK [Mobile]
France - CellfishWallsonneries-FR [Mobile]
France - DoodleDeluxe-FR [Mobile]
France - GogogyStream-FR [Mobile]
Italy - PaddyPower-IT (Offer Returned)
Norway - JukebuxJustinBieber-NO [CC]
Norway - PlayNeto-NONO [Mobile]
PathUS - FreeAppetizer-OliveGarden
PathUS - FreeAppetizer-Outback
PathUS - FreeAppetizer-RedLobster
Poland - EyeQTest-PL [Mobile]
Russia - BugZapper-RU [Mobile]
UK - AmazonVoucher-UK [Mobile]
UK - CheapFlights.co.uk (Offer Returned, Higher Payout!)
US - 2YourFace.com
US - AllStateMotorClub.com [CC]
US - BigBuckSurveys.com (Offer Returned, Easier Requirements!)
US - GrabMachineGame
US - PampersGiftToGrow
US - TheConsumerBeat.com
US - Ultismo
US - VindaleResearch
UK - ActiveYou.co.uk - PRice INCREASED from $0.20 to $0.35
US - ArthritisConnect - Price INCREASED from 30 Points to 50 Points
US - GetFunGame.com - Price INCREASED from $0.20 to $0.40
US - ProfinityCredit - Price INCREASED from $3.00 to $5.00
US - Upromise.com - Price INCREASED from $0.75 to $1.25
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