Lots of new offers coming up today! :-)
Expiring Offers:
UK - Eukanuba.com
New Offers:
Brazil - Cross-Tab.com
China - OkayBuy.com.cn
Germany - MustangWin.de
Germany - Zyb.de (Offer Returned)
GoldUS - ClaimYourVacation.com
GoldUS - SecureOrderSites.com (Offer Returned)
Netherlands - HoeCoolBlijfJij.nl
The offer Germany - D-Gewinnspiele.com is updated with an updated link, tracking should be better now for this offer.
The offer US - Dogpile.com - tracking is updated now, and should be better.
Expiring Offers:
UK - Eukanuba.com
New Offers:
Brazil - Cross-Tab.com
China - OkayBuy.com.cn
Germany - MustangWin.de
Germany - Zyb.de (Offer Returned)
GoldUS - ClaimYourVacation.com
GoldUS - SecureOrderSites.com (Offer Returned)
Netherlands - HoeCoolBlijfJij.nl
The offer Germany - D-Gewinnspiele.com is updated with an updated link, tracking should be better now for this offer.
The offer US - Dogpile.com - tracking is updated now, and should be better.
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Get-Paid.com Admin
Get-Paid.com Admin