Expiring Offers:

Chile - River-Chile
Colombia - River-Colombia
France - iPad-FR
Italy - Flirtami
PointsUK - MoneyBallBingo.co.uk
PointsUS - Fubar.com
PointsUS - MagicJack.com
Spain - Buongiorno-ES
Spain - CheckYourCar.es
Spain - Mailorama.es
Spain - PixLive.com
UK - GFKTVPanel.com
UK - HereForADay.com
UK - Win4Now.co.uk
US - 1000BestBuyGiftcard
US - AmazingFreeRewards.com
US - CafeMom.com
US - ClearblueEasy
US - MobilePhoneSurvey.net
US - PlayAllVLC
US - QuoteSonic.com
US - SummerTimeJackpot.com
US - YourRetirementJackpot.com
US - YouTubeSaved.com

New Offers:

Belgium - FirstImpressions-BE
Italy - WinGallery.it (Offer Returned)
Netherlands - FirstImpressions-NL
PointsUS - Mint.com (Offer Returned)
PointsUS - SkinID.com
Portugal - CineOnline
South Africa - MetalDetectorApp
Spain - WarnerBros.es
UK - MyVoice.co.uk
UK - Wazzamba-UK
US - Better-Coupons.com (Offer Returned)
US - iBundle.net
US - MiMedia.com
US - QuizJungle-Transformers3
US - RewardPort.com (Offer Returned)
US - SweepsAdvantage.com


PointsUS - RealAge.com - Moved to US Section.
Spain - PerfumesClub.com - Price iNCREASED from $0.05 to $0.10
US - FreeMacbookAir - Price INCREASED from $0.15 to $0.30
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