July 9, 2010 - Changes in Gptreasure.com

09-07-2010 16:36
Dear members,

The goal of our site was to be an International site reaching as many countries as we possibly can. Unfortunately, we are no longer in a position to meet this demand.
We have lost our partnership with one of the biggest networks we used to work with and as a result we had to make some "cuts" in our site, so basically the recession has unfortunately hit our site, however for most of you, the majority, these changes aren't going to have any impact.

[size=medium]What are the changes we made?[/size]

- We had to close our "Gold" section that used to be very successful, however after the lost of partnership with our International network we were left only with 2 offers and we cannot have this section going live any longer. Please note: The GoldUS section remains intact, there are no changes to the GoldUS section.

- We had to close some International Forums as well as the Suggestions Forum. The International Forums we closed are forums without much of activity, and the Suggestions Forum didn't work out as planned.

- We had to remove some moderators from our forums due to expensive budget on our end for that. (Moderators, if you are removed you will receive a message from us regarding the changes, we are happy to hear any feedback or work out with you on other plans if you wish to stay as moderators)

- Finally, we had to close a few sections of offers for the following countries: Argentina, Czech Republic, Egypt, Israel, Korea and Morocco.
We also removed the Philippines and Chile sections since we had no offers whatsoever for these sections.

- To be reviewed: We might have to stop with our Cherry Credits Draw in a few months, we would definitely let you know in advance if this happens. Likewise, the number of winners in Gptreasure Lotto after next month (September) is most likely going to decrease again.

[size=medium]Why are we doing this?[/size]

The main reason behind all this is the fact that economically (as well as time consuming) we cannot afford to run the site in the way that it was, there are more risks and hassle for us than gains.

[size=medium]Can you negotiate these changes?[/size]

Yes, if you feel like something is wrong just contact us and we would be happy to discuss about your thoughts.
Likewise, if you wish to discuss this topic please use the following link:

We wish you all a good and pleasant weekend!

Gptreasure.com Admin
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.


Get-Paid.com Admin
11-07-2010 02:14
Translation in Portuguese for our changes is now available, thanks to Arthur, and can be accessed through this link:



Likewise, translation in Dutch is available here: (thanks to Besartio)



And thanks to sagitari the changes are now available in Spanish as well:




Gptreasure.com Admin

If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.


Get-Paid.com Admin
Total Posts: 2