Expiring Offers:

Argentina - LetsBonus
Belgium, Netherlands - StartYourOwnPool
Brazil - AdegaAtlantico
Brazil - PortalPrivado.com
Canada, US - MindFieldOnline.com
UK - FWCall.com
US - ConsumerExpressions.com
US - LaptopDispatch.com
US - MillionDollarTicket
US - WhatSheHasToSay.com
US - Wordox-FacebookApp

New Offers:

International - AsiaFriendFinder
International - PersonalShopperNow.com-INTL [Points]
UK,US - BlockEscape [Points]
US - FavoriteConsumerBrands.com (Offer Returned)
US - RawCouponDaily [Points]
US - ShellCard


Spain - Viver.com - Price INCREASED from $0.50 to $1.50
US - MediaInsiders2 - Price INCREASED from $0.80 to $1.50
US - SheerCover.com - Price INCREASED from $3.00 to $4.00
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