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Canada - Netflix.ca
US - CouponQlik.com
US - PlaySushi.com
US - SOC-TideProducts
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US - Toluna.com
US - YPG-OlayPro
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France - Lightspeed.fr (Offer Returned)
PointsUK - BritainsVoice.com
Portugal - GameOn-PT
Spain - Groupon.es
Spain - PremiosParaTi.es
US - AllAccessPayDay.com
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US - CornerStopCash.com (Offer Returned)
US - CouponCaboodle.com
US - ePollSurveys.com (Offer Returned)
US - Make100PerDayOnline
US - MindFieldOnline.com (Offer Returned)
US - NascarDVD
WinCash247.com - The price on this offer INCREASED from $0.15 to $0.20 (This offer is available for various countries)
MightyMagoo.com - The offer is moved from PointsUS to US Section with similar pricing (Changed from 60 points to 60 cents)
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