Expiring Offers:

Australia - MyType.com.au
Italy - BomberCup.it
UK - FlirtFix.com

New Offers:

Australia - RSVP.com.au
GoldUS - ShedEnder.com (Offer Returned)
Italy - BomberCup.it
Netherlands - Wineeniphone
UK - GamezJoint-UK
US - GamezJoint.com
US - LuckySurf.com (Offer Returned)


Gold - Gygan.com - Price dropped from $0.20 to $0.10
US - BlockBuster.com - Price increased from $1.50 to $2.50
The EliteMate.com offer has been changed back to US/UK only but with a higher price of $2.00 for the US and $1.00 for the UK!
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Get-Paid.com Admin