Expiring Offers:
Brazil - AmorSolteiro.com.br
Canada - WebPerspectives.ca
France - Lightspeed.fr
PointsUS - Weather.com
Spain - PrivateOutlet.es
US - CashItTo.me
US - MyNextPaycheck.net
US - QuizJungle-Boba
New Offers:
Australia - MyThoughtCounts-AU
Canada - Points.com
Philippines - EntertainmentFactory-PH
PointsUS - AmericanGreetings.com (Offer Returned)
PointsUS - JourneyPass (Offer Returned)
PointsUS - MakeMeOld (Offer Returned)
PointsUS - WizardMe
UK - MyThoughtCounts-UK
US - BoostEconomy
US - CobraInsurance (Offer Returned)
US - InstantIQTest.com
US - YourLuckyNumbers.com (Offer Returned)
PointsUS - RewardTV-Spanish - Price DECREASED from 100 points to 30 points.
The offer PermissionResearch.com is now a Point offer, and pays 10 points instead of $0.10
The offer RealAge.com is now a Point offer, and pays 30 points instead of $0.30
Brazil - AmorSolteiro.com.br
Canada - WebPerspectives.ca
France - Lightspeed.fr
PointsUS - Weather.com
Spain - PrivateOutlet.es
US - CashItTo.me
US - MyNextPaycheck.net
US - QuizJungle-Boba
New Offers:
Australia - MyThoughtCounts-AU
Canada - Points.com
Philippines - EntertainmentFactory-PH
PointsUS - AmericanGreetings.com (Offer Returned)
PointsUS - JourneyPass (Offer Returned)
PointsUS - MakeMeOld (Offer Returned)
PointsUS - WizardMe
UK - MyThoughtCounts-UK
US - BoostEconomy
US - CobraInsurance (Offer Returned)
US - InstantIQTest.com
US - YourLuckyNumbers.com (Offer Returned)
PointsUS - RewardTV-Spanish - Price DECREASED from 100 points to 30 points.
The offer PermissionResearch.com is now a Point offer, and pays 10 points instead of $0.10
The offer RealAge.com is now a Point offer, and pays 30 points instead of $0.30
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Get-Paid.com Admin
Get-Paid.com Admin