Expiring Offers:

France, Germany, UK - Rift
Germany - Vistaprint250FreeBusinessCard-DE
UK - Axciom-UK
UK - QuatroCasino
US - AlcoholSurvey
US - InsureSquare-Health
US - SimplyBeads
US - TrueCredit.com
US - UpMo.com
US - WildTangentGames

New Offers:

Australia - EmployMe-AU
Austria, Germany, Switzerland - Fiesta-DE ($1.00 Game Offer!!)
France - Photoweb-FR [CC]
Ireland - CheapFlights.co.uk
Russia - ShopPoints-RU
UK - Wonga.com
US - DailyBreak
US - DoYouSnackAtWork [Survey]
US - FreshSavingsPlus-CC
US - FreshSavingsPlus-Cell
UK - MyBet.com [CC]
US - GasRewards
US - InstantPalmReading
US - Saveology.com [CC] (Offer Returned)


Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, UK - BigFatLotteries.com - Price INCREASED from $2.00 to $2.50
International - ZyngaPoker - Now available only to these countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Norway, Sweden, UK, US.
International - ZyngaPoker - Price INCREASED from $0.10 to $0.15
Spain - SuperPremios-ES - Price DECREASED from 20 Points to 13 Points
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