October 31 - Halloween Promotion - $25 PRIZE!

01-11-2008 21:25
1) http://www.ggpht.com
2) m shows up 3 times, m is right side up of w
3) (24-2)*3 = 66
01-11-2008 21:25
1) http://ggpht.com
2) the "e" syllable comes up
3) (24-2)*3 = 66
01-11-2008 21:25

uanaka wrote:
1) http://ggpht.com
2) g shows up 3 times, p is a reflection of g
3) (24-2)*3 = 66

Very good, uanaka is the winner :-D

Way to go!

Edmund, you were that close to be the winner, you'll be given a complementary of $5.00 Bonus.
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Get-Paid.com Admin
01-11-2008 21:26
1) ggpht.com
2) G*2 (lh4.ggpht.com/)
3) 24*(2-2)=0
01-11-2008 21:26
01-11-2008 21:26
Flip gg upside down yuou get 66
66 gg upsidedown.
01-11-2008 21:26
OMG thank you very much.

My brains about to explode :P
01-11-2008 21:26
Jajaja! Congratulations uanaka! :-)

You're a great investigator!
01-11-2008 21:27
But gptreasure admin:( i post it first xD look on my edit post?
01-11-2008 21:27
Total Posts: 201