And Now, Introducing...

13-08-2014 01:16
I'm working hard to see how much I can earn in my downtime. It's an interesting site: some things are fun and work well, while others are frustrating and confusing. You'll probably see a few posts from me in the support area. Soon. :)

Anyway, SoCal here.

Thanks everyone!
---------------------Newbie here! :)
14-08-2014 17:16
Yo wassup man! Hope you have a good time and another thing, the people here seem to like to help so enjoy your stay. Add me and thumb me up if you so will; you just need to click on my name and it should be clear. You'll recover from your downtime in due time for show!
17-08-2014 16:22
Good Luck!
17-08-2014 19:31
welcome man.
18-08-2014 14:49
Welcome also from me. Think is a good site!!! Enjoy :)
18-08-2014 18:10
18-08-2014 19:36
Welcome to Get Paid! Remember you can contact us anytime!
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.


  • -Username: ChatDexter

Get-Paid Moderator
19-08-2014 01:01
welcome aboard ^^
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
22-08-2014 00:58
Hello "SparkyJimR" and welcome to Get-Paid :)

For any help you can check our FAQ page.

Good Luck,
Get-Paid Team.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
Click Here get redirected to our new FAQ's forum.
22-08-2014 14:18
good luck =)
peace ^^
Total Posts: 23