Hi everybody

02-04-2014 14:30
Hi friends i am new this site please give me tips
02-04-2014 16:58
Welcome to Get-Paid.com! Please check our F.A.Qs forum for any question. You can find tips by browsing through the forum.

Good luck!
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.

  • -GPChatDexter@yahoo.com

  • -Username: ChatDexter

Get-Paid Moderator
02-04-2014 16:58
Welcome to Get-Paid.com! Please check our F.A.Qs forum for any question. You can find tips by browsing through the forum.

Good luck!
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.

  • -GPChatDexter@yahoo.com

  • -Username: ChatDexter

Get-Paid Moderator
13-04-2014 15:48
Hello "balajiramji89", and welcome to Get-Paid :)

For any help you can check our FAQ page.

Good Luck,
Get-Paid Team.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
Click Here get redirected to our new FAQ's forum.
13-04-2014 23:46
welcome aboard :)
if you have doubts, please feel free to start a new thread!!
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
13-04-2014 23:47
welcome aboard :)
if you have doubts, please feel free to start a new thread!!
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
14-08-2014 17:39
Use FAQ, FORUMS and they'll allow the use of asking questions and finding answers easily. You'll get used to it easily too. Surveys are pretty good thing here. The best out of the other sites might I add.
17-08-2014 09:37
Welcome and good luck!
26-12-2014 09:24
Welcome to Get-Paid !
Always looking for new friends !!! Ask me friendship accept all requests !!
26-12-2014 13:35
Welcome and have Fun :D
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Total Posts: 37