I'm new

20-04-2010 10:14
Hello my name is Alex im From Romania
and one of my friends sended me a invite at gttreasure so im new i want to know more here how to get money cuz i need to pay something...........and i like to help people. thx and thats all about me
20-04-2010 11:15
Welcome Alex! Great to hear you like helping other people, if you got any questions at all, just feel free to ask :-)
20-04-2010 16:52
ok i have one how should i start the offers with no credit card cuz my parents doesnt want to pay... only i want to make free
20-04-2010 17:18

It looks like there's no section for your country yet.. But, you can still access all the international offers :-)
And you can also become a gold member and access the Gold-member section, for even more offers. Check out this page: http://gptreasure.com/modules/goldclub/ to see how to become a gold member. If you don't want to make offers requiring a credit card just avoid the offers with this picture on:

[img width=300]http://www.get-paid.com/offers/cc_required.png[/img]

Good luck! :-)

..Just ask if you got more questions :-)
20-04-2010 19:18
ok thank your very much
20-04-2010 21:14
Welcome Alex ;)
My first pay was simple and fast, and this is a great community!
22-04-2010 11:55
Welcome Alex, I wish u good luck..!!

NiklasNikke wrote:

..Just ask if you got more questions

Yep! but please in the Support forum! :-D
07-01-2015 21:06
Welcome to get-paid!
Always looking for new friends !!! Ask me friendship accept all requests !!
30-05-2016 02:17
I urge you to help the noviceWelcomWelcome to forum, I am new here, glad to see you join get-paide to forum, I am new here, glad to see you join get-paid
30-05-2016 10:02
Hello and Welcome to get paid !
Total Posts: 11