i am harry

28-03-2015 16:48
hi guys i m harry from india

how much coins i have to earn to redeem to payapl.(i.e., what is min amount of coins to cashout)
01-04-2015 05:51
Welcome aboard Harry!
The minimum for members from India is 250 coins.
Each 1 coin is worth $0.002
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.


Get-Paid.com Admin
04-04-2015 13:01
Welcome aboard, Harry.

If you have doubts, please feel free to start a new thread in Support Forum :)

Get-Paid Team.
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
19-04-2015 09:57
Always looking for new friends !!! Ask me friendship accept all requests !!
27-04-2015 04:37
13-05-2016 07:23
For any help you can check ourhttp://forums.get-paid.com/forumdisplay.php?14-Support
13-05-2016 16:43
welcome to get-paid
13-05-2016 18:05
hi, good luck for all
14-05-2016 03:39
Hi and welcome... Enjoy your time here..
14-05-2016 03:41
Hi and welcome... Enjoy your time here..
Total Posts: 26