About spin bonus

18-10-2014 15:54
Yesterday i was very with getting 100 coin spin bonus. Today i was exited to get another one and i worked heard to earn at least 300 coins.But today is not for me. I just allotted for only one coin.
isn't it disappointing?
Now i am thinking it is actually luck or not.
18-10-2014 16:19
well for members from some countries, it's a good challenge having 300 coins per day, for members of other countries, it's just nearly impossible to have 300 coins per day, or even once a week...
Hot To Get Paid
19-10-2014 09:44
You are right.
01-11-2014 14:50
don`t worry some times it happns keep going...
05-12-2014 16:02
05-12-2014 23:02
true its hard but keep grinding till u make it :D
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08-12-2014 15:57
That's right
08-01-2015 19:33
i Agree with you its luck only.
Total Posts: 8