11-10-2009 22:58
I have to be alive in order to be able to choose.. Open the Link and post your comment... Thank you!
12-10-2009 10:37
If there is no life risk, of course I certainly am against abortion!!
Given by God can not take anyone!!
12-10-2009 14:29
I believe abortion is equal to killing somebody, and I'm personally against it. However there should be exceptions such as when the mother of the baby is in risk for her life then these circumstances might force her to abort the baby in order for her to stay alive. In such circumstances I think it would be good if the mother would stay alive and abort the baby, because her life comes first, she cannot kill herself to bring a baby into this world, the baby would be without the mother!

That's just my personal opinion.
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12-10-2009 15:14

gptreasure wrote:
I believe abortion is equal to killing somebody, and I'm personally against it. However there should be exceptions such as when the mother of the baby is in risk for her life then these circumstances might force her to abort the baby in order for her to stay alive. In such circumstances I think it would be good if the mother would stay alive and abort the baby, because her life comes first, she cannot kill herself to bring a baby into this world, the baby would be without the mother! That's just my personal opinion.

Absolutely correct!
14-10-2009 11:09
Thank you for your opinion. Everyone should give a high value ( abortion only when the life of mother is at risk ) but leave it up to each individual as to how he or she will practice that ideal.
14-10-2009 11:25
leave it up to each individual as to how he or she will practice that ideal.

Can u explain a little..
14-10-2009 12:46

gptreasure wrote:
I believe abortion is equal to killing somebody, and I'm personally against it. However there should be exceptions such as when the mother of the baby is in risk for her life then these circumstances might force her to abort the baby in order for her to stay alive. In such circumstances I think it would be good if the mother would stay alive and abort the baby, because her life comes first, she cannot kill herself to bring a baby into this world, the baby would be without the mother! That's just my personal opinion.

I couldn't say it better than that. Totally agree
14-10-2009 13:28
my opnion is gptreasure, plus when woman is forced for sexual relations and get pregnant they should have that right also.
14-10-2009 21:00
In most cases I'm against abortion!
Still, there are some exceptions...
If a teenager gets pregnant and can nót take care of her baby it's better to kill it than to let it kill itself later out of missery!
It's a hard subject...
If it was up to me, I'd allow it, but with a large procedure to insure the mother is absolutely sure. ;)
Need personal help? Send me a private message!
15-10-2009 07:34
if i remember correctly...

in some catholic country, an 50 year old father raped his only child, and of course...
the girl got pregnant. but when the girl went and made abortion, the catholic church decided to excommunicate the girl from the church.
so whats the big deal?
-her father got to stay in the church.

that story up there is most likely a big pile of crap, but anyway...
i personally belong to the church (not catholic, thank god :-D), but i am still not against it.
Total Posts: 14