Greece dept CRISIS EU IS given away for free.

01-06-2011 23:02
Hello I'm Melvin.

Greece is a countrie where the people only want to until they 50 or something like that.They make a lot of debt and we HAVE TO PAY THEIR DEBT that is stupid they have to do they made this situation.You have to clean it up for you self.

The Netherlands pays the most money to the EU so they need to say what to do with that money.
This is realy rediculious.
02-06-2011 11:14
Probably you don't know, but the reason of "cleaning Greece up" is to earn more money and exploit its situation. Your country is not precisely a NGO.
02-06-2011 16:53
A NGO what is that.
And we pay the most money to the eu.
05-06-2011 11:07
I live in Austra and austria Pays amazing much money to EU and i don't like it,
Greece should not make such a thing than they have no problem.

We can now pay theyr tax.
05-06-2011 15:02
The world is full of corruption, that is not surprising.
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Regards, Admin
05-06-2011 19:28
Yes but is GREECE's problems not ours.
06-06-2011 15:50
But it might happens to you
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.


  • -Username: ChatDexter

Get-Paid Moderator
06-06-2011 19:00
The dutch goverment is very greedy.
07-06-2011 12:48

melvingamer wrote:
The dutch goverment is very greedy.

ChatDexter wrote:
But it might happens to you

Could be a combination of both. Greedy government can lead the Netherlands to the same troubles that Greece has. I agree with it.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
08-06-2011 09:35
Ok mister webmaster we have to work until 67 and those greeks until 50. we should have a european standard.
Total Posts: 10