How to get paid?

30-04-2008 14:54
How do i get paid on this?
in "My Offers" it says "paid"
but i havent recieved it at paypal, how would i go around getting it?

thanks to anyone that helps
30-04-2008 15:43
Very weird...maybe do a picture that says "Paid" and the paypal that not showing something received and send it by E-Mail to admin@GPTreasure and maybe he will re-pay, he is really nice guy :)

but still, maybe...
30-04-2008 16:47
ah ive got the money now, thanks for the help :)
it seems it was just delayed a few hours, for whatever reason :P
20-01-2012 01:44
lol this conversation is anchient!
21-01-2012 13:30
dugma8lol this conversation is anchient!

Don't bump threads.

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