
18-07-2011 16:58
Hey,i have an idea to increase website traffic,members...

we can pay 3$ to the person who refer the most members per month.

2$ for the 2nd

and 1$ for the 3rd

So ?

or we can do the same with the offers...

the member who made the most offers gets 1$ :P ?

I think this is such a good idea :D
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.


  • -Username: ChatDexter

Get-Paid Moderator
18-07-2011 20:37
hm, indeed its good. Just some nice contests :P
18-07-2011 22:58
Well.. I guess.. It would just be a little unfair as I'm sure there's some people on here having a big amount of referals every month because of their own site or a popular youtube video.. Leaving the casual user with no chance.

The offer one would be a bit more fair I guess..
19-07-2011 06:56
mmm well we can do it with offers instead ?
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.


  • -Username: ChatDexter

Get-Paid Moderator
20-07-2011 06:58
Yes, we are working on a similar scheme, there are lots of new things coming soon. :-)
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
21-07-2011 06:49
hahaha i can read the future XD
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.


  • -Username: ChatDexter

Get-Paid Moderator
27-07-2011 13:06
more contests more people!!
yes i support that idea!!

graciously Beston1
Please Visit my Youtube Channel!!
Espero que gostem!E lembrem-se qualquer problema no GPTREASURE chamem-me!
11-08-2011 11:37
Thanks for sharing your suggestion. I will invest some time in it
20-08-2011 21:15
im in with this suggestion it would be great.
Total Posts: 9