Money change

30-03-2010 13:14
I want have 10 dollar on my moneybookers
i have only money on paypal.
Can somebody change 10 dollar?
30-03-2010 13:39
I need 7.50$ in Moneybookers or Liberty Reserve too...
Can somebody it?

Send me a mp :D

But first, change it to bamarmoney.
The more than you know, the more than you ignore...
30-03-2010 22:28
javiergf si lo dices por lo de comprar tarjeta virtual, LibertyReserve cobra comisiones, así que si alguien te envía 7,50$ te quedarás con 7,20$ o así en tu cuenta y la habrás liado... así que te recomiendo que pidas 8$ ;-)

well, sorry for the off-topic writing in spanish...
Bamarmoney, I'm sorry I can't do you that exchange, try asking to the admin if he can (I think that nowadays he doesn't make these kind of exchanges but try it if u want).
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
30-03-2010 23:13
I don't know if I'm right, but I think I heard him saying that he couldn't do such things because of the rules PayPal had or something. Don't know..

I'm sorry, I can't help, I only got moneys on PayPal
31-03-2010 13:27
Gracias sagitari, no me comentaste la otra vez nada al respecto entonces no sabía XDD.

I asked to the admin and he said me that he cannot receive money from Paypal.
The more than you know, the more than you ignore...
01-04-2010 15:31
oke thank you :-D

bamarmoney wrote:
I want have 10 dollar on my moneybookers
i have only money on paypal.
Can somebody change 10 dollar?
01-04-2010 15:31

Can somebody change 10 dollar?
Total Posts: 7