PayPal Tax

11-04-2010 15:43
I already have told the admin to change my paypal but i have sended the money between my accounts and there a tax of 0.40 just for 3.20 that is like 12.5%.:-(
Are there any other payment processorers that dont have such hightaxes?
11-04-2010 16:35
PayPal Fee is: 2.9% + 0.30 USD
Basically, if you send 100$ the fee will be 3.20$
= 96.80$

I recommend you to use this calculator
11-04-2010 16:59
Thanks but do you know something better?
11-04-2010 17:22
Well, as much as I know, PayPal is the most used payment processor.
Gptreasure also supports the following companies:
- AlertPay / ePassporte / LibertyReserve / CherryCredits
12-04-2010 13:14
Note, that CherryCredits are only used in the Cherry Credits draw. And not for a payment method for getting money.
16-04-2010 10:49

melvingamer wrote:
Thanks but do you know something better?

Perhaps Alertpay?!

By the way, it's not PayPal Tax but PayPal Fees.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
16-04-2010 11:12
i'm using paypal since time ago and I think that in any payment I haven't lost money by fees.
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19-04-2010 06:02
You must talk to support team
19-04-2010 12:35
The main reason I use PayPal is because of the fact, that alot of sites supports it. It's alot more used than e.g. AlertPay IMO.
19-04-2010 20:36
yeah, only in some sites you can pay with paypal

And paypal is more used ;-) ebay supports paypal and ebay is the first best page for buy things.
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
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