Try to type your name using elbows, no cheating!

28-06-2008 04:01
2nd attempt: iahhnisafreealk23
28-06-2008 05:35
lumnretrdse XD
28-06-2008 06:32
I'm pressing like 5 keys at once, LOL.
29-06-2008 15:57
i clicked sumbit twice on my first try

second attempt:billybobby65
29-06-2008 18:07
secxomndf sttedmp[ sxhadsoiwse322

Second Attempt.. ShadowEW... for those who cant understand that xD
29-06-2008 20:04
(im using three different types of keyboards)
third attempt:bilybobby64
29-06-2008 21:02
sahoyaro -> first

sagitari -> second

Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
29-06-2008 22:24
foiurtrh attemptL:

01-07-2008 13:40
02-07-2008 09:32

ahh.. bugger! oh well. I think i could do if i tried a couple more times.
Total Posts: 48