my GPTreasure logo not the best but can be compared

04-09-2008 04:04
[img width=403][/img]

i will have more looking the blue color

04-09-2008 05:43
It's not yours? haha...but its nice though, it's better compared to the current one.
04-09-2008 08:11
Wow it looks pretty good to me, although it isn't yours. :)
04-09-2008 12:20
[img width=403][/img]

new version!
04-09-2008 12:31
loooks good bud the website should be away to make it perfect :P
04-09-2008 13:09
current is better.
04-09-2008 15:12
Current gets my vote, mostly because of the link to some site.
I will not consider this as advertising, but please try to remove that link.
04-09-2008 21:24
what link ? O.o
04-09-2008 21:28
Right lower corner of the images, it says
04-09-2008 21:52
oooh well you're gonna have to paint it out or photoshop it out
Total Posts: 12