poll: What is Your Favorite Type of Music?

01-06-2008 22:15
what is your favorite type of music?

reply here :)
02-06-2008 06:02
Normally, my taste is queer. o.O But I love beautiful songs like this one here. I hope it won't be a problem posting the url.


Besides that, I also like certain songs by Coldplay, and random stuff that you can find in Youtube.
02-06-2008 13:06
02-06-2008 14:26

foreeever! =)
i like to listening sessions from discos like central,piramide, kontrol, pont aeri ,masia, xque(activa), radikal, coliseum,manssion...! rulezzzzz!;)

but a lot of drugs on these kind of discos!
u're in other world.. when be there...haha

Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
02-06-2008 15:03
HardRock, Trash and Heavy Metal, etc...

The best groups are AC/DC and Metallica. :)

02-06-2008 15:22
i must say rock and metal
04-06-2008 01:56
70' Rock.
04-06-2008 04:25
I listen to just about anything, I have classical, musicals, as well as music of all types from 5 or so different decades. I have also recently discovered a love for rock-country.
04-06-2008 10:51
i like remix dancing, classical
05-06-2008 02:52
i like hip hop and rap
Total Posts: 28