vote for me ?!

19-08-2008 23:49
well, one of my hobbies is photography,

sometimes im entering get stesfaction =]

so plzz vote for my photo:

u now my photos r the best =]

19-08-2008 23:51
sorry for the double plz delete one of the topics
19-08-2008 23:52
Sorry, to be honest I do do not really like the photo. It doesn't have enough contrast in it for me. But hey, thats just a personal preference.
20-08-2008 00:01
np everyone and his taste..
u know how hard it is to cach a close up like this..?
20-08-2008 05:02
without it running away or scratching you? i must say its quite hard
20-08-2008 05:05
ohhh i was 3rd place yesterday know im back to 5th
20-08-2008 08:20
I know that this is hard to get, but if you would've added in a bit more color/contrast, I would've given you my vote.
20-08-2008 10:19
you are the 6th :-( but, I voted you, I hope you get a good place, and earn a lot of money!!!!! :-)
Total Posts: 8