300-dollar payout!!!!!

16-09-2008 08:35
I wouldn't think an advertiser would even want to pay advertisers USD300.00 for people to sign up on his site.....:-?
16-09-2008 13:05
i would love it!
id had 5sites on the net by now...
every one from my schools computer.
16-09-2008 19:22
OMG! Congratulations guy! You're so lucky!
17-09-2008 14:00
17-09-2008 19:38
27-09-2008 12:23
U so lucky person, any way congrats
28-09-2008 14:24
congratulations mate!
30-09-2008 12:40
Realy?????????????? you are very luky
05-10-2008 05:22
Congrats! Did you earn everything from GPTreasure?
05-10-2008 07:32
It was a refferal contest :-)
Like I said, I don't think any advertiser would pay USD300.00 for a user to sign-up on his/her site. :-?
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