about games

17-04-2012 13:07
i try to play games but after i finished it dicreses my balance why is that?
17-04-2012 13:58
hiwoteveri try to play games but after i finished it dicreses my balance why is that?

If you lose in the games you lose some of your balance, please read the games' description if you haven't done it yet.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.


Get-Paid.com Admin
20-08-2016 00:58
If you lose in the games you lose some of your balance, please read the games' description if you haven't done it yet.
21-08-2016 15:46
If you lose in the games you lose some of your balance, please read the games' description if you haven't done it yet.
21-08-2016 15:57
If you lose in the games you lose some of your balance, please read the games' description if you haven't done it yet.
22-08-2016 03:08
i try to play games but after i finished it dicreses my balance why is that?
22-08-2016 08:09
i don;t know
trò đ nhau sướng ghê
22-08-2016 12:43
daicaanhi try to play games but after i finished it dicreses my balance why is that?

Try to ask in our SUPPORT FORUM, thank you
Get-Paid.com - Moderator 
22-08-2016 12:43
daicaanhi try to play games but after i finished it dicreses my balance why is that?

Try to ask in our SUPPORT FORUM, thank you
Get-Paid.com - Moderator 
23-08-2016 04:55
If you lose in the games you lose some of your balance, please read the games' description if you haven't done it yet.
Topic Locked

Total Posts: 16