<<$12,35>> GPTreasure - Thank you!

09-06-2008 15:29
Dear users and GPTreasure fans,
GPTreasure has paid me 12,35 USD in 1,5 days!
Guys, keep doing offers.. I'm happy to know there are websites that do really payout.. but even happier to know that GPTreasure pays out in 1 to 2 days!

Thank you GPTreasure!

Here is my proof:

Gogogo people, do offers and gain money.. Just as me :D
09-06-2008 15:46
yep, GPTreasure is the best GPT site!
and great work!
10-06-2008 06:06
wow, good amount in less time...

Simply that's Gptreasure.com ;-)

Congratz, mate :-D
10-06-2008 11:45
iam recently inter the world earn from internet but i have very happy for first earning is from gptreasure.
many thanks
10-06-2008 12:40
good.. and i wan get 12$:D
11-06-2008 02:45
wow very good amount!!!
11-06-2008 13:59
11-06-2008 15:08
Good site it is, eh?
03-09-2014 12:40
good job!!!!!!!!!!!keep on
07-06-2016 13:49
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