Account disabled

14-04-2013 19:43
I was surfing around, and all of a sudden I get the following message:

Dear member,
Your account is disabled.
Please contact an administrator to solve this issue.

Can someone please tell me what this is? Or why was it disabled?
I'm trying very hard to not think the worse, but I spent a few hours doing things for nothing, filling my computer with viruses from downloads that never payed (bad enough), and I haven't received any payments yet from this website and today I spent all day here and made a little more, so it looks very suspicious to me....seems kind of convenient.

Hopefully this just looks bad, I've seen a lot of good reviews about the website

Could someone please clarify?
14-04-2013 20:07
Dear "youradeline",
Please wait for admin's response,
He will check your account as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience,
Get-Paid Team.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
Click Here get redirected to our new FAQ's forum.
16-04-2013 07:51
Any news? I'm still waiting for a response
Thank you
16-04-2013 10:49
I hade the same problem ...Any answers from the Admin ?
16-04-2013 12:32
youradelineAny news? I'm still waiting for a response
Thank you

Hi there,

I've replied to your email about it, your IP is a VPN and our system blocks VPN and suspends accounts using VPNs. Please respond to me here or by email. Your account is resotred by the way, however your payout is ON HOLD until we hear back from you. I do apologise for the inconvenience, however we must ensure the account we pay for is not a fraudulent account and usually users who don't live in the US use VPNs and that is fraudulent, so we want to ensure you are not doing the same.

If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
16-04-2013 12:33
ben58I hade the same problem ...Any answers from the Admin ?

You have also used a VPN, please send me an email to [email][/email] so I could assist you. We have to ensure your account is genuine before we could release your account or pay you.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
16-04-2013 16:12
I have locked the thread.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
Click Here get redirected to our new FAQ's forum.
Topic Locked

Total Posts: 7