Bad Work Limit Tracking when trying to complete task

06-03-2013 23:54
hi there , just polsting cause i was doing some tasks and using different sites for same type of task, if any mod could verify this please cause i didnt know about this rule. thanks
07-03-2013 05:07
Please don't complete same tasks on multiple sites because it can cause you a permanent ban from Crowd Flower. Please only complete the tasks you are interested in & only complete them on the site suits you the best.

Get-Paid Team.
08-03-2013 03:27
we have do the task in one site at a time not in two site bcoz the crowd flower will ban u,
ok take care of that Marcoanti,
gud luck
11-03-2013 13:41
Thanks for the reply´s guys, i was just not aware of that , thanks
18-03-2013 15:00
Feel free to open a new thread for any further need. I have closed the thread.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
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