Can you proof my cheating ?

01-08-2013 03:48
You all of the ptc site owners have own tricks to cheating us.You are suspending our accounts without any reason.We are the mads who are accumulating refferals for your sites.when we have reached bulk amount of refferals you don't want to pay commission more for us.So you are suspending our account and enjoying earn with our recommended refferals.Please review your system.dont suspend mechanically any account.I have more than 146 direct refferals.Why should I want to cheat you.My account is suspended when I was doing with offers.So it your technical fault.Can You explain what cheating made by me?You can't.Because you can do anything.

So guys

dont accumulate and waste your time with accumulating refferals for this site.I worked lot and accumulated 146 refferals more than 4 months with site.Only I could earn 16$.One begger can earn more than these amount within a week.You may think You can accumulate thousands of refferals and will get commissions in lakhs.never think like this.When you accumulate thousands of refferals you will be easily suspended by these brilliant ptc admins.

Be alert with their scam.share this matter with your friends,social network,emoneyspace,ptcinvestigations.Someone can be escaped from these scams.

I am really vexed and released from this site.Bye bye.
03-08-2013 20:26
We've already explained to you that you have another account in our site - valli79.
You are not allowed to have 2 accounts in our site, so if you want to get your account restored and get your payment we would need an explanation why you have 2 accounts in our site.

This is as simple as that.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
04-08-2013 04:20
Thank you for activation of my old account valli 79 was already you have removed and activated my new current account radha79.sorry for misunderstood.thank you once again.:):)
04-08-2013 13:23
Im glad everything's solved. I'm closing the thread,for any further support don't hesitate to create a new thread or contact [email][/email]
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.


  • -Username: ChatDexter

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