SMTP server error: uKHz1k0011nMcWz01 :: auth :: Message rejected for spam or virus content :: Please include this entire message when contacting support :: v=2.0 cv=Hrb06jvS c=1 sm=1 p=MYzi6wIYw1kA:10 a=HMGlzlTrJCERygKZ6Btaew==:17 a=0lguZP3s6VYA:10 a=2AWzJuTbOegA:10 a=vOEdiCpqAAAA:8 a=-1WuXG-QAAAA:8 a=u_Ynxsxxt6UA:10 a=6nif_o_vAAAA:8 a=SfwZoRGjRQdFKBzXnykA:9 a=Fc-PKjd5KokA:10 a=uaeLy4L6qtAA:10 a=zOu-rTGO-O8A:10 a=HMGlzlTrJCERygKZ6Btaew==:117 :: 100.00
Thats the error message we get.
If i can grab the email address the verification comes from i can add you to my contacts on gmail and it should avoid this message.
I have no way to activate my account while I get this error. any help?
Thats the error message we get.
If i can grab the email address the verification comes from i can add you to my contacts on gmail and it should avoid this message.
I have no way to activate my account while I get this error. any help?