Daily Surveys approval time

16-04-2012 00:38
I did GiveUsYour2cents and LiveSample yesterday. How long does it take to approve usually??

And what is your approval rate?
16-04-2012 02:49
Usually "Daily Surveys" approve within 10 minutes but in worst cases they can take up to 24 hours. There is not much we can do if the survey wasn't Tracked. So best thing you can do is move on & try different ones. We still hope to get an approval for your survey from the advertiser.

Get-Paid Team.
16-04-2012 07:04
lefty13I did GiveUsYour2cents and LiveSample yesterday. How long does it take to approve usually??

And what is your approval rate?

You haven't requested a payout for this offer (GiveUsYour2cents), just to let you know.
Our approval rate on these offers is quite good, if you complete the surveys successfully (all the way) then the surveys will get approved, it's that simple.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.


Get-Paid.com Admin
17-04-2012 00:11
Problem has been resolved so I am going to close this thread.
Topic Locked

Total Posts: 4