Got USED and abused by the survey DEXTER

12-08-2015 18:48
Hi I took the MAke money survey that was featured for 170 coins. I spent a good 50 minutes answering all those hundreds of questions when to my dismay a message came on to tell me there was atechnical proble and to "please wait" I waited for over 30 ,ore minutes and it never got back to the survey. In my opinion I should be compensated for the complet 170 coins and also the XP points. Please do this Iworked hard for it. I amm very skepticel to continue I just reached level 12 and for what? to have asurvey mess me up almost every time I take one of these? you uiys need to get your act together I know you arelosing customers I was told that by actual users who quitfor he same reason. Please correct this
13-08-2015 05:54
Hi Ronnie,

1) We have credited you with 170 coins.
2) We asked you before to record yourself completing surveys so we can submit the technical fault to the advertiser - without having it in future occasions we won't be able to credit you.
3) You are more than welcome to try other sites and see if they will bother to credit you for missing credits as fast as we do (or to credit you at all), we have no problem if you try out other sites and point out which one provides you with a proper customer service.

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