How long it takes to approve an offer???

29-06-2013 04:34
spent more than 24 hours (1 day) and say pending.

Can anybody help me?

29-06-2013 18:34
Dear "serggy28",
After you complete an offer - firstly - your request's status will be on a "Pending" status immediately after your submission. Then within 20 minutes if the offer was completed properly it would be under an "APPROVED" status. If not - then it will remain "PENDING" and we would keep on checking it automatically 3 times an hour for a few more days until we determine whether the offer can be approved or not.

For more information you can always check our new FAQ's page:

Thanks and good luck,
Get-Paid Team.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
Click Here get redirected to our new FAQ's forum.
29-06-2013 18:38
Ok !

I see still pening. and i sure i complete correct and confirm email!
30-06-2013 19:39
Can help me please? 3 days and offers still pending!
02-07-2013 01:11
Why no help me??? offers still pending..this site work or no?
03-07-2013 07:45
serggy28Why no help me??? offers still pending..this site work or no?

If an offer doesn't approves after 48 hours we recommend you redoing it but clear your browsers cookies/cache before redoing it. Hope this helps & good luck :)

Get-Paid Team.
03-07-2013 16:30
Thanks! But NO WORK

in livra sayme that when i confirm email.


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And offer " la nacion" say the same.

But still pending. I think offers no work

Thanks for all and so i hope now paid me that i do it whit task.

05-07-2013 23:50

Please, wait for your PENDING offers.

Don't delete your confirmation e-mails, if the offers change the status PENDING to NOT TRACKED, these e-mails could be useful.

btw, we've spanish forum :)

Get-Paid Team.
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
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