My account has be disabled.

24-08-2013 15:54
Hello. I am sorry if I have not waited long enough for a response, but I sent in a message through 'contact us' two days ago, and have not received a reply. I am hoping the deactivation of my account was a mistake, because I never intended to break any rules, if it has labeled me as doing so.

I registered on the 21st, and cashed out 3301 points on the evening on the 22th. The next morning, I was randomly disabled, and I see 'SCAMMERS' labeled onto my Paypal cash out.

May someone look into this and allow my account to be used again, please?
24-08-2013 17:45
Dear "reptar66",
Please wait for admin's response, he will check your account as soon as possible.

Get-Paid Team.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
Click Here get redirected to our new FAQ's forum.
24-08-2013 23:03
That sounds awful :(
25-08-2013 00:09
I have received a response back in my email, and the issue has been resolved with my account back working again. Thank You for your help! :) The thread may be closed now.
25-08-2013 12:09
I'm glad to hear that!
Feel free to open a new thread for any further need. I have closed the thread.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
Click Here get redirected to our new FAQ's forum.
Topic Locked

Total Posts: 5