Not getting percentage from referrals

12-10-2015 02:44
I've been getting quite a lot of referrals in the past 2 weeks, but I'm not getting the right percentage on their coins.
Many of them worked on the first day, got 60 coins for example, and I didn't get any. From 20 referrals, I'm only getting equivalent coins from 3.
Please fix this problem.
Thanks for the attention.
12-10-2015 16:05
I noticed the same problem right now too
13-10-2015 00:58
I noticed the same problem
LEVEL 9: stone
13-10-2015 06:33
We are going to forward the issue to our moderator, we would keep you posted shortly.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
14-10-2015 01:03
Thank you, I appreciated.
14-10-2015 04:11
Hi there, and thank you for your feedback.
After a close review we can see that there is no problem in our referral program system.
You might see that a certain referral of yours had made more coins which you didn't get any percentage on and that's because of Get-Paid Rewards.
Get-Paid Rewards are coins that a user will get for doing different actions on the site, for example - Facebook connect / Thumbs up etc...
Those Get-Paid Rewards don't count as coins you get as a referrer.

I hope this clears this issue. If not then please contact us and we will try to assist you as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Total Posts: 6