Offers not monitored

01-08-2009 02:59
Good morning,

I signed up so many offers but your system does not monitored them. But i still receive mails sponsor...I do not like this because i got so much spam in email and no credit in my paypal....what can i do? i do not want to sign up with other mail because of i do not want the same spam and probably not credited anyway?

I post my screen result



01-08-2009 10:05
Just send the email confirmations emails to the admin :-)
Remember to provide your username on GPtreasure which is "Impicment"
His email is
09-08-2009 22:01
You can send confirmations as suggested but please also see:
(in the bottom)

Regarding spam you can always register a new email address that is intended to be used only with the offers so you won't be worried about the spam. With the offers that you like you can use your own personal email as long as you're feeling happy and safe to provide this email with these offers.

If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
Total Posts: 3