Payment Question

17-07-2010 00:46
Recently I received a payment for $0.10 for referring a friend. That was pretty much okay. I also did 2 offers that are worth $3.15. I was wondering why that is still pending, while my referral was paid, and I did them on the same day? Will it get approved? I am from the Philippines and I did an international offer if that matters.

Thank you.
17-07-2010 07:45
(payments will be made once a week usually between Tuesday to Wednesday!)

This stays in "My offers".

Refferals are friday.

Today is friday you got paid for refferlas if you done the offers between Tuesday and Friday you will get paid next week.
Feel free to ask any question
17-07-2010 15:38
Liam, you will get paid for your offers next tuesday/wednesday.

payment offers are weekly, referrals each Friday

good luck with the payment :-)

PD: I've right now realized that calleak had already answered you xdd, doesn't matter, I anyway submit this post... :$ :$
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
19-07-2010 19:48
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