Pending (is taking forever)

06-08-2016 22:00
Dear Admin:

A couple days ago I completed some offers and it looks like the pending status loves me very much...

Here is the first offer:
Complete the poll, register, and reach the results page.


And the second offer (since yesterday):
Install the Browser App everyone is talking about using your PC.

let's do it!
07-08-2016 12:37
You are using a non-genuine IP, and that is why many offers don't get approved.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
07-08-2016 15:15
non-genuine IP
07-08-2016 17:22
gptreasureYou are using a non-genuine IP, and that is why many offers don't get approved.

From our perspective the sun does look a little yellow, but the truth is that it is white.
So no matter whether the sun has a non-genuine color, because at the end of the day the sun gives you life...

However, most of the offers show you a friendly face but when you say yes to them
you end up in a tricky maze chock-full of other interminable offers, malware and with your email crying because of the spam.

I didn't know that you knew that my real color isn't yellow
therefore you you can use a sunscreen in order to get rid or me or just allow me to keep giving you life.

let's do it!
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Total Posts: 4