Please help me fix the payment ID

18-09-2008 03:27
I have put incorrect LR account number, please change it to U0515395 for me.
18-09-2008 06:07
It's better to PM the admin because he is better reached by that. As for now, you will have to wait for him to log in and see this.:-)
19-09-2008 19:54
Moderator has already changed it for you.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
19-09-2008 23:01
Well, I don't see him on the forums though.
He's kinda like solving problems but not being seen....what should we call that...hmmm...cloa....naaahhh
19-09-2008 23:39
indeed i never see moderator on the forums =D i see these international moderators though
20-09-2008 01:48
The users with foreign language on their ranking are in charge of the international forums. Moderator is not in charge of that. 'moderator' is a user but more of like the admin.
20-09-2008 02:08
more like moderator is a admin and you moderators are just for the forum =P
20-09-2008 02:20
when i was saying moderator, I wasn't reffering to someone like me. I was reffering to the username on GPTreasure 'moderator'. Do you understand?...:-?
20-09-2008 02:26
mmmhmmm i used to see moderator when i first signed up. his avatar is weird
20-09-2008 03:59
No, it looks pretty cool to me.
Total Posts: 22