Question Regarding To Lotto

09-12-2008 01:58
Hi, its me again. 2Day when I log in my account,i saw my offer has turned from Pending to Lotto.It means i'm in some sort of lucky draw izzit?Just wanna ask,when will I get paid.And 1 more question.I did the offers in order to get cherry credits,how is it going to be pay to paypal?Sorry for my bad english.
09-12-2008 03:10
The offer to get cherry credit is a lotto, something like a lucky draw. As for when you'll get paid, it all depends if you win the draw or lotto. Winners of those lotto are normally announced in the announcement section of the forums.

Check out : Forum - Announcements
09-12-2008 05:27

The draw is for Cherry Credits as it says. You cannot get paid via PayPal but can redeem them for 10,000 worth of Cherry Credits which can be used at (Gaming site)

There's an explanation of all status for offers under the My OFfers table. Please read them to understand.
09-12-2008 22:26
Since we don't pay with CherryCredits directly you are assigned with the same payment method in your Lotto request, however when that request is paid it Cherry Codes are sent to you via PM and email, not through your PayPal account.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
10-12-2008 02:33
La cosa es asi,te cuento, lotto, signifca que estas participando en el sorteo, pero no significa que ganaste. Y lo de las cherrys es igual, es un sorteo.
Mira que hay un foro en espa
Total Posts: 5