Question about task

11-11-2012 19:56
Hi,I have question about task when i do task i have 70% below and i was kicked from task and here its my question . I can't do task and want to know there is any reset when i can do them again ? or i must wait ?

please support, thanks.
Love bats
11-11-2012 20:03
Dear "pitexor"
You have a different accuracy in every single task, so even if your accuracy in one task is low you still can complete other tasks - that's how their ("CrowdFlower") system works.

You don't have the option to reset your accuracy, try to make other tasks.

Please notice that "CrowdFlower" control the tasks and when they detect that you have made many tasks with low accuracy they will limit your ability to complete some tasks.

Good luck,
Get-Paid Team.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
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11-11-2012 20:31
If i complete more with better accuracy they promote me to complete task which i complete with low?
Love bats
11-11-2012 20:43
pitexorIf i complete more with better accuracy they promote me to complete task which i complete with low?

As I told you before, every task has his own accuracy, and accuracy in one task won't affect the accuracy in the other task, they also won't "promote" you to complete task which you completed with low accuracy.

But, "CrowdFlower" might allow you to do more tasks when you have high accuracy,
So it's highly recommended to try for the best accuracy you can.

Good luck,
Get-Paid Team.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
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11-11-2012 20:45
Thank you man :)
Love bats
11-11-2012 21:18
pitexorThank you man :)

You're welcome! :)

Feel free to open a new thread for any further need,
I've closed the thread.
Rephael - Get-Paid's Moderator.
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Topic Locked

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